Kickstarter Communications works with entrepreneurs and small business owners around the world to create custom, unique brand identities (logos, for instance), core messaging and marketing materials (I... am also a copywriter). Your website is your most important marketing tool. I can write the content (if needed) and design a custom site that not only represents your brand, but has functionality built-in to optimize your sales and lead-gen activities. Site optimization for Google is included in my services. If you are a Greek, French or Italian client, I can translate for you, also, and create both an English and a native-language version of your site (if you want). FOR MORE REVIEWS, PLEASE VISIT
Nabízené služby
Služby SEOVývoj značkyMigrace webuMobilní webKlasický webdesignPokročilý webdesignGoogle AnalyticsPoradenství k webuAktualizace webuE‑mail marketingInstalace aplikacíNastavení obchoduPřipojení doménye‑Commerce webTvorba menu restauraceRedesign webu
Představené projekty (20)
Služby a sazby
Webdesign (5)
Malé úkoly (7)
e‑Shop (2)
Marketing a propagace (3)
Grafický design (1)
Klasický webdesign
Základní web včetně motivu.
Začíná na900 $
Pokročilý webdesign
Web s přizpůsobenými vizuály, pokročilými funkcemi a dalšími prvky.
Začíná na1 800 $
Redesign webu
Nový motiv a vzhled webu.
Začíná na800 $
Migrace webu
Použití existující grafiky a obsahu na novém Wix webu.
I needed an ecommerce website with online store and other facilities. Ultra web solutions did a great job in designing the website according to my needs....
My website was very well made by ultra web solutions and team. They follow all the requirements correctly and give us exactly the product we want. Great job!...
Ultra Web solutions and team made a very well designed online store for my business which allows me to reach a large number of people and sell my products. Awesome job!...