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Google Merchant Checkout
od Simon Abraham Works
18denní zkušební období

Google Merchant Checkout

od Simon Abraham Works
Send Google users to the cart with their product
1.0 (2)
18denní zkušební období

Google Merchant Checkout – přehled

    One click install
    Send your potential buyers directly to your cart and have the product they found on google added in the cart at the same time automatically
    Increased sales conversions
    Direct checkout from Google Shopping
The Google Merchant Center Checkout widget by Simon Abraham Works is a revolutionary app designed for online store owners looking to optimize their sales funnel and enhance the shopping experience for users coming from Google shopping ads. This widget simplifies the transition from product discovery on Google to purchase completion on the merchant's site by using dynamic SKU handling and direct cart addition functionality. By capturing SKU parameters from URLs generated by Google shopping ads, the app automatically adds the corresponding product to the shopper's cart on the site, streamlining the checkout process and reducing the steps needed to convert sales.
Dostupnost: Tato aplikace je dostupná po celém světě.
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Aplikaci vyvinulSimon Abraham Works

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Ceny a plány

Tato aplikace nabízí 18denní zkušební verzi zdarma
Plán Simple


All functionality included
No hidden fees.
Easy Setup
* Cena je v USD.

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