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All-in-One Ninja Widget Suite
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All-in-One Ninja Widget Suite

Supercharge your website with 100+ widgets
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Přehled – All-in-One Ninja Widget Suite

Full Customization — the widget suite is fully customizable and can be customized to fit any design requirement.
SEO & Mobile-Friendly — in a mobile-first world, Common Ninja’s mobile-friendly widgets are a welcome addition to any website.
Premium Support — we value our customers and offer premium support and quick reply times.
Easy To Use — our intuitive editor is simple-to-use, and requires no coding knowledge or skills.
Common Ninja's Widget Suite — The Best Widgets For Your Wix Website The Common Ninja Widget Suite offers more than 100 powerful widgets for Wix websites, all of which are easily accessible and manageable from a single dashboard. With the ever-growing suite, you can drastically enhance your website’s design and functionality and greatly improve engagement with and on your site, as well as its conversion rates. The widgets are easy to use, require no coding knowledge, are mobile-friendly, and come with useful and efficient features. The widgets include: 3D Cards, Animated Number Counter, Announcements, Audio Player, Before & After Slider, Company Branch Flip Cards & List, Countdown Bar, Coupon Bar, Device Mockup, Event Flip Cards & List, Feeds, FAQ, Flip Cards, Image Hotspot, Info List, Logo Slider, Notification Bar, Opening Hours, PDF Viewer, Product Blobs, Progress Bars & Circles, Restaurant Menu Flip Cards & List, Skill Flip Cards & List, Stories, Team Member Flip Cards & List, Testimonials Slider, Reviews, and many more!
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Průměrné hodnocení 3.1

12 hodnocení
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Pronetgroups/ Dec 31, 2024
C o
Tým Common Ninja
We're sorry to hear you had a bad experience with our widget, can you please elaborate a bit more about what sucked? :)
Děkujeme za vaši zpětnou vazbu

Isaactran13/ Mar 22, 2024
not workingIt says to go to dashboard to create widget, but I don't know where.
C o
Tým Common Ninja
Hey! Can you kindly contact our support team? They'll be happy to help :)
Děkujeme za vaši zpětnou vazbu

Balmukund2707/ Feb 21, 2024
image magnifier not working in wixNo customer care executive helped me in image magnifier. They dont know the reason of not working then why u have made this feature when it doesnt work? Really disappointed
C o
Tým Common Ninja
Hey, thanks for reporting the issue. Can you kindly contact our support team directly? support@commoninja.co They'll be more than happy to help :)
Děkujeme za vaši zpětnou vazbu

S300106949/ Sep 26, 2023
i dont know how to use it
C o
Tým Common Ninja
We'll be happy to help! Please contact our support at support@commoninja.com
Děkujeme za vaši zpětnou vazbu

Callistoast/ Aug 21, 2023
Working again!After a re-install, the back-to-the-top widget seems to be stable. I actually think it may have been Wix, as other things went wrong shortly after. Thank you for your attention to...
C o
Tým Common Ninja
Sweet :)
Děkujeme za vaši zpětnou vazbu

Ceny a plány

Plán Free


Up to 300 monthly views
Up to 1 active widget
Automatic Updates
Plán Basic


Unlimited monthly views
Up to 25 active widgets
70+ app types
Common Ninja Branding Removal
Plán Plus


Unlimited monthly views
Up to 2,500 active widgets
70+ app types
Common Ninja Branding Removal
* Cena je v USD.

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