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Event Countdown Plugin
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Event Countdown Plugin

Countdown timer plugin for Event Details page
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Přehled – Event Countdown Plugin

A simple and clean app that seamlessly integrates with the Events widget for a consistent experience
Fully responsive and adapts dynamically to both mobile and desktop screens
Automatically detects the event start date to display an accurate countdown
Offers multiple customizable designs and presets to suit your event's style
Add a dynamic countdown timer to you Events pages effortlessly. This plugin automatically detects the start date of each event and displays a real-time countdown, keeping your audience engaged and excited. With seamless integration into the Events widget, the timer adapts perfectly to both mobile and desktop screens. Choose from multiple customisable designs to match your event's style, and let the timer create a sense of urgency and anticipation for your events. Simple, clean, and fully automated, this plugin is the perfect addition to your event pages.
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Hodnocení & Recenze

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Ceny a plány

Plán Basic


Seamless Events Widget Integration
Fully Responsive Design
Auto Event Date Detection
Plán Premium


Seamless Events Widget Integration
Fully Responsive Design
Auto Event Date Detection
No Watermark
* Cena je v USD.

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