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Fancy Web Effects
Pouze prémiový web
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Fancy Web Effects

Add designs & effects related to sales seasons
Pouze prémiový web

Přehled – Fancy Web Effects

Give a new look to online stores or websites by adding themed effects from our library (sales, discounts, Christmas, Valentine's Day, Halloween, winter, fall, summer, spring and more.)
Easy to use without the need to enter any type of code. Also, it allows you to see a preview of the effect on your website before publishing it.
Allows you to set whether the effect is displayed only on the home page or on the entire store.
Allows you enable the effect permanently or set a time period in which this will be displayed.
Fancy Web Effects allows you to make your store or website stand out from your competitors with eye-catching effects for special occasions like Christmas, Halloween, Black Friday, Valentine's Day, or any other time you want to highlight special offers in your store. It helps to personalize the website through the use of interactive effects. Improve your conversion rate, increase the time your visitors spend in the store or website, and improve the overall experience. Our application makes the store or the website visually attractive in the blink of an eye with a single click. Fancy Web Effects provide falling effects (like snowfall), fixed effects or a combination of them. You can preview the appearance of the website before applying the new layout, allowing you to easily change the number, size and position of the effects. The effects can be applied to the entire website or only to the home page, they can even be disabled on mobile phones or tablets. Time period in which the effects will appear can be configured, allowing you to plan ahead and manage it through a calendar. Effects are automatically hidden when a user clicks on them.
Tato aplikace je dostupná po celém světě.
Jazyky aplikace:
Doporučeno v

Průměrné hodnocení 3.8

8 hodnocení
Třídit podle:

Mistressblackroad/ Oct 30, 2024
no me gusta su formato
K o
Tým Koala Developer
Sentimos que no le guste el formato de nuestra aplicación. Estamos dispuestos a considerar aquellos aspectos que puedan ayudar a mejorar la aplicación. Por favor, póngase en contacto con nosotros en koala.devenv@gmail.com para...
Děkujeme za vaši zpětnou vazbu

Glamchicboutique/ May 17, 2024
Payé et ne fonctionne pas !Après plusieurs messages pour une assistance, aucune réponse ! Je paie une application premium qui ne fonctionne pas !
Děkujeme za vaši zpětnou vazbu

Riverleasoap/ Nov 17, 2023
Cute app I like its potential - When you click on upgrade a page opens and that's it - no way to actually upgrade
K o
Tým Koala Developer
Thanks for you review! We effort to improve the app. Please send us an email to koala.devenv@gmail.com and we love to help you to upgrade the app or if you have any question...
Děkujeme za vaši zpětnou vazbu

Sutura/ Dec 29, 2022
Is the app working?I have tried it but no effect appears once they are active. Thank you!
K o
Tým Koala Developer
Hello! Yes, the app is working correctly. Please send us an email to koala.devenv@gmail.com if you have any question on how to use it.
Děkujeme za vaši zpětnou vazbu

Martynsbusinesses/ Dec 9, 2022
Love it! Just what we needed!Great app, great price. The customer service is prompt and very helpful. Thank you.
K o
Tým Koala Developer
Thank you for your great review! We were pleased to help you. Enjoy our app in this festive season and remember that there is always a reason to spice up your web! :)
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Ceny a plány

Tato aplikace nabízí 2denní zkušební verzi zdarma.
Plán Premium


Themed effects
Advanced preview
Visualization options
Scheduled effects
* Cena je v USD.

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