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21denní zkušební verze zdarma
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Manage your orders from a single dashboard
Zatím žádné hodnocení
21denní zkušební verze zdarma

Přehled – isendu

We provide a single dashboard to manage all stages of sales and shipping.
First of all your business. isendu is easy to use because it has been designed so that you don't waste time and energy.
Always by your side. For us it means helping the people and companies that have chosen us as a partner.
The solutions we have developed are designed to maximize the customer satisfaction.
isendu allows you to automate all the stages, from receiving the order to shipping the package, until the tracking and the notification. You can manage orders from a single dashboard, automatically generate shipping labels, update tracking on sales channels and easily compare shipping rates. isendu is the ideal partner for your e-commerce shipments.
Tato aplikace zatím není dostupná pro Spojené státy americké,
ale je dostupná pro
Jazyky aplikace:
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Hodnocení & Recenze

Tato aplikace zatím nemá žádná hodnocení, buďte první, kdo ji ohodnotí.

Ceny a plány

Tato aplikace nabízí 21denní zkušební verzi zdarma.
Porovnat všechny plány
Plán Lite

€ 49 / month

Includes: up to 250 shipments/month
Plán Pro

€ 89 / month

Includes: up to 750 shipments/month
Plán Max

Contact Sales

Unlimited shipments
* Cena je v USD, fakturuje Isendu S.r.l..

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