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Synctrack Sync PayPal Tracking

Get Paypal funds faster, reduce Stripe disputes
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Přehled – Synctrack Sync PayPal Tracking

Real-time tracking PayPal and Stripe: Minimize the time money is on hold
Sync tracking to PayPal & Stripe for orders within 365 days with just 1 click
Courier mapping rule with PayPal-supported couriers, get funds faster
Monitor status of PayPal tracking sync from a powerful yet easy-to-use dashboard
With Synctrack, tracking numbers shall be synced to PayPal and Stripe in 5 seconds with one click. Sync your old orders to PayPal & Stripe within 365 days. Synctrack helps you avoid unwanted disputes, money on hold & reserves. Instantly add tracking info to support PayPal verifying your account more quickly, and gain trust and transparency. Get funds faster and confidently defend disputes with clear proof. The PayPal sync automation tool reduces manual work and costs, protecting your cash flow.
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Tato aplikace zatím nemá žádná hodnocení, buďte první, kdo ji ohodnotí.

Ceny a plány

Plán Free


30 synced orders/month
Connect unlimited PayPal accounts
Sync previous orders (up to 365 days)
Plán Basic


1,000 synced orders/month
Connect 1 Stripe account
2 courier mapping rules
Plán Pro


6,000 synced orders/month
Connect unlimited PayPal and Stripe
10 courier mapping rules
Higher priority sync
Plán Unlimited


Unlimited synced orders/month
Connect unlimited PayPal and Stripe
Unlimited courier mapping rules
Dedicated sync cluster
* Cena je v USD.

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