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ChatBot AI Assistant For INBOX

ChatBot Integrated Your Site INBOX - ChatGpt API
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Přehled – ChatBot AI Assistant For INBOX

Low Cost AI Assistant Solution - For OpenAI Platform API Key
Full integration with your site's inbox
Full Customizable Assistant
OpenAI API pay as you go
Our app enables Users to create and manage AI-powered chatbots that integrate seamlessly with Chatbox and Inbox by utilizing their own OpenAI API keys. App Overview Purpose: This app allows users to set up AI chatbots powered by OpenAI to interact with their customers via Chatbox and Inbox. Security: Users' API keys and Assistant IDs are securely stored in their site's Developers > Secret Keys section, ensuring that sensitive data is not shared with third parties. Unique Benefit: Unlike other third-party applications with restrictive monthly message limits, this app offers users the flexibility of unlimited usage at highly affordable rates, as they use their own API keys.
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Ceny a plány



Free Plan: OpenAI models work with your API keys and integrate with the site inbox. Instructions are limited to 56,000 characters, enough for most users. Paid Plan: Gain advanced features like uploading data files for the assistant to search and provide more accurate, specific answers. Affordable pricing makes it accessible, and free users can support the service by upgrading to the Unlimited Plan. Perfect for enhanced accuracy and data needs.


Unlimited Data Upload Assistant Learn
Store Product/File Use Assistant Learn
7/24 - E-Mail - Support
Advanced Learning
* Cena je v USD.

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