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Live Chat & WhatsApp Chatway

Live chat app & WhatsApp support for customers
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Přehled – Live Chat & WhatsApp Chatway

Show FAQ in your live chat widget & use canned responses saved replies to answer commonly asked questions. Live chat with your customers and provide live chat support. Address customer concerns in real-time with friendly support chat
Live chat conversations can be assigned to support agents. Escalate to more experienced helpdesk reps when necessary through live chat
Mobile apps for iOS and Android are available allowing you to live chat with your websites visitors anytime and anywhere
Add chat buttons like WhatsApp, SMS, Instagram DM, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, Line, click-to-call, and even create your own custom chat buttons
Live chat with your customers, address their concerns, provide swift live chat customer support, get more sales using live chat. Provide customer support & offer personalized recommendations, coupons & discounts that enrich their experience. Collaborate with your team to provide exceptional customer service over an intuitive live chat app. Add chat buttons like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Instagram DM, SMS, phone, Telegram, Line, or custom chat buttons. As visitors interact through live chat, they might have suggestions or encounter issues. Through the live chat widget, they can voice thoughts immediately, allowing you to make instant improvements. Customize the support chat widget, change the logo, color, chat button size, etc. Our live chat app lets you integrate with Facebook Messenger, resolve tickets, configure availability, etc. Chatway's live chat box feature has become an indispensable tool for website owners. It enables real-time website chat assistance, personalized, efficient collaboration, visitor insights & trust-building, all contributing to enhanced customer satisfaction & business success engagement. Chatway also offers Android & iOS mobile apps.
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Průměrné hodnocení 5.0

197 hodnocení
Třídit podle:

Thatbunnydude/ Feb 6, 2025
AmazingThis helped soo Much with assistance I loved it and You can resolve and end the Assistant which is fun!
Děkujeme za vaši zpětnou vazbu

Ballaratadvancedtr/ Feb 5, 2025
No good.The app is clunky and difficult to setup - has a huge delay in notifications and clients aren't receiving our replies. No good.
Děkujeme za vaši zpětnou vazbu

Fischsellingacc/ Feb 5, 2025
,This app is the best!!!! USE IT, IS FREE-live chat -chat
Děkujeme za vaši zpětnou vazbu

Ramelectronicsanda/ Feb 3, 2025
The app is fabulous The app has 0 bugs, 100% support from team, well maintained and well managed application. Also it's free with these many resources 💥
Děkujeme za vaši zpětnou vazbu

Globaledgecompany1/ Jan 30, 2025
5 STAR THE APP DESERVES The App is very well working friendly, chat messages delivery on the spot, messages don't delay and once you download the app is more conveniently. I also appreciate the FAQ, they answer very...
Děkujeme za vaši zpětnou vazbu

Plán Basic


1 Agent Unlimited conversations 30 Days chat history FAQs & canned responses iOS and Android mobile apps Facebook Messenger integration Widget customization
Plán Pro


$15 per agent/month (or $9 billed yearly) Unlimited chat history Email integration Private notes Custom data, tags and segments Multilingual widget
* Cena je v USD.

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