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Smooth Scroll

Create smooth scrolling effect - no code needed
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Přehled – Smooth Scroll

Effortlessly enable smooth scrolling with customizable settings to control animation speed and responsiveness
Adjust scrolling intensity with LERP and Wheel Multiplier controls for a tailored user experience
Add infinite scrolling to loop content seamlessly, enhancing dynamic and engaging website designs
Enhance your website with Smooth Scroll, a powerful plugin that seamlessly integrates the Lenis scrolling library to provide customizable, smooth scrolling animations—all without the need for coding. With Smooth Scroll, you can enable smooth scrolling effortlessly through a simple toggle and fine-tune the scrolling behavior using intuitive settings. Options like LERP allow you to adjust animation smoothness, while the Wheel Multiplier lets you control scroll intensity. Additionally, you can incorporate infinite scrolling to create seamless content looping, offering a dynamic and engaging browsing experience. To get started, simply add the Smooth Scroll widget to your page, configure the desired settings in the panel, and publish your changes to enjoy the effect on your site.
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