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ClickGuard logo


Add a button that requires policy acceptance
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Od $0.50 / měsíc

Přehled – ClickGuard

Fully customisable, edit any and all text within the widget to suit your needs
Add your own links to terms & conditions
Add your own url to continue, or access a trigger in Velo code and build a custom next step
Introducing ClickGuard, the ultimate widget designed to effortlessly protect your website and ensure compliance with ease. ClickGuard empowers website owners with a simple yet effective solution. By dragging and dropping our widget onto your site, you instantly fortify your website against any potential legal issues. The widget presents visitors with a clear link to your terms and conditions, or anything else you need to link to! But that's not all, ClickGuard goes the extra mile to safeguard your website's integrity. Once visitors have thoroughly reviewed and accepted the terms and conditions, the widget activates a unique clickable button. This smart feature prevents any accidental or unauthorized engagements, maintaining compliance and protecting your business interests. This button can link to any other page, elsewhere on your site or an external link. You can even choose not to provide a URL to link to, and instead access the unique 'continueClicked' Velo trigger in the code of your site, allowing any bespoke solution/next step to be coded. With ClickGuard, you no longer have to worry about ensuring legal compliance, allowing you to focus on your business!
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Ceny a plány

Plán Premium


Keep links behind mandatory checkboxes
Unlimited use of the widget
* Cena je v USD.

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