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MO Bundles & Volume Discounts
od Multiorders Solutions
30denní zkušební období

MO Bundles & Volume Discounts

od Multiorders Solutions
Insert a discount widget into your Product page
3.0 (2)
30denní zkušební období

MO Bundles & Volume Discounts – přehled

    Create & promote product discounts right on your product pages (not just in cart and checkout)
    Discounts can be set in percentage, dollar amount or specific price
    Customize your offers to match your stores theme
    Works seamlessly with the checkout flow
Using Automatic Discounts functionality, but cannot natively promote these discounts on your product pages? Your prayers have been answered. Product Page Volume Discounts is a game-changer tool, that allows to insert a discount widget right into your site's product page. Now you can drastically Boost your Sales, by increasing an Average Order Value of every single order. - Enjoy our free live chat support to address any questions or concerns. We also offer free setup via Zoom call, so let us know if any assistance is needed.
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Aplikaci vyvinulMultiorders Solutions

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Ceny a plány

Tato aplikace nabízí 30denní zkušební verzi zdarma
Plán Kickstart Special


Flat price for limited time
Unlimited additional revenue from app
Unlimited bundle deals created
Live chat support
* Cena je v USD.

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