Dobré pro:
CV, životopisy a portfolia
Potřebujete více něž jen seznam odrážek se zkušenostmi, abyste na svůj profil přilákali ty správné lidi. Díky jemným barvám a poutavému vzhledu představuje tato srozumitelná šablona životopisu první krok k tomu, abyste byli vidět víc, než všichni ostatní. Stačí kliknout na Upravit a začněte doplňovat relevantní údaje o vzdělání/profesi. Nebojte se být osobní. Vše začíná zde!
Dobré pro:
Parties, events and celebrations
Get the party started with this disco-themed template. Invite people to RSVP to your celebration, and easily manage your guest list with the built-in Wix Events app. Give your site a personal touch by adding images and videos with the ProGallery app. Click "Edit" to start creating a site for your upcoming event.
Dobré pro:
Businesses, professionals and website designers
This coming soon template is truly a game changer when it comes to promoting the upcoming launch of your site. The neon colors build a feeling of excitement, while the built-in subscribe form and social links keep future site visitors engaged. What are you waiting for? Click "Edit" to get started.
Dobré pro:
Cafes, coffee shops, roasteries and subscription services
This tasteful template embodies the perfect blend of warmth and sophistication. Build an online presence for your business and easily sell your products through the built-in Wix Stores app. Click "Edit" to start designing your site.
Dobré pro:
Small businesses, creative professionals and website designers
Are you counting the seconds until your website goes live? Build anticipation with this vivid, glowing landing page. Display the exact time left until launch with our Countdown Clock app, and let visitors subscribe for email updates. Click "Edit" to get started.
Dobré pro:
Businesses, professionals and website designers
Grab the attention of potential customers or clients with this sleek, modern template that celebrates what's to come. The engaging design, complete with a built-in countdown and a subscribe form, has everything you need to build buzz around your launch. Click "Edit" to start making this design your own.
Dobré pro:
Eco-friendly stores and home product retailers
A clean, balanced design makes this template a natural choice for online stores. Easily sell products with the integrated Wix Stores app, and watch your newsletter distribution list grow with the built-in subscription form. Be sure to connect your Instagram account for extra engagement. Ready to begin? Click "Edit" to start building your site.
Dobré pro:
Businesses, professionals and website designers
Take a fun, youthful approach to your upcoming website launch with this coming soon template. The video background and animations add a playful touch, while the built-in subscribe form and social links encourage site visitors to stay in the know about what's to come. Click "Edit" to make it your own.
Dobré pro:
Groomers, pet shops and animal day care centers
This template brings the bright, cheerful energy of your business online. Promote the services you offer by sharing positive reviews and linking to your Instagram profile to create a gallery of your cute clientele. Seamlessly manage your schedule and accept new appointments with the built-in Wix Bookings app. Ready to make some new four-legged friends? Click “Edit” to make this template yours.
Dobré pro:
Apps, startups and other businesses
Build a healthy interest in your business with this sophisticated landing page. Drive downloads by highlighting your app's features in the site's clear layout and adding testimonials from happy clients. Keep people informed with the built-in subscribe form. All you have to do is get started.
Dobré pro:
Blogeři, podnikatelé a nadšenci
Přišel čas, aby se váš pohled na život objevil i na obrazovce. Tato čistá, minimalistická šablona je skvělou platformou pro vaši propagaci nebo podnikání, rozšiřování počtu fanoušků nebo dokonce vydělávání peněz. Začněte s Wix Blogem a podělte se o své zkušenosti, dobrodružství nebo svůj všední život.
Dobré pro:
Zaneprázdněné maminky, maminky s koníčky, maminky s dovednostmi
Tato šablona je perfektní pro zaneprázdněné maminky, které chtějí sdílet se světem své každodenní starosti. Ať už umíte něco co chcete všem představit nebo jen chcete mít prostor pro své fotografie, můžete využít náš jednoduchý editor a vytvořit si krásný blog. Stačí kliknout na Upravit a začněte vkládat na blog příspěvky, krásné fotografie, recepty a další!